Meeting documents

Dorset County Council People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 21st March, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 21st March, 2018 10.00 am (Item 16.)

To consider a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme.


The Committee considered a report by the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme which set out performance against the 2017-18 Corporate Plan and population indicators for the Healthy and Independent outcomes.  The report also included performance measures which showed the Council's services' contribution and impact on outcomes, risk management information relating to outcomes and population indicators, and some value for money information relating to the three service directorates.


Particular attention was drawn to the continuing increase in the number of hospital admissions for alcohol related conditions, particularly women, the small reduction in the proportion of children reaching a good level of development at age 5, and the 18% fall in the proportion of social care clients reporting sufficient social contact between 2015-16 and 2016-17.


Members noted that the Cabinet had recently agreed to care villages being developed in Wimborne and Bridport, to provide housing and other services.  Subject to planning permission, it had also agreed a programme of modular housing on the same sites which would provide quicker, temporary accommodation which could be relocated once the care villages were built. With regard to whether this would be developed in other areas, it was confirmed that a detailed needs assessment was being carried out across all districts and would be completed the end of April 2018.  Then consideration would be given to how these needs could best be met.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Care reminded the Committee that the Council could not address social isolation, it could only provide care that was necessary.  It was hoped that work with communities would help reduce social isolation in future.


With regard to successful completions of alcohol treatment services, Dorset's performance was better than the national average of 39.5%.  A new integrated all age service had been commissioned in the last six months and it was hoped that the good performance would continue and where possible be increased.


The reduction in the number of clients engaging with Livewell Dorset from the most deprived quartile was disappointing, however, this group was difficult to engage.  It was hoped that the number of contacts would be doubled across the Public Health Dorset area next year with the service being brought back in-house from April 2018.  A new on-line digital offer was also being developed to allow for more engagement with people in different ways.   


In response to questions, members noted that it was hoped that the current 5,000 contacts per year relating to smoking, obesity, exercise and alcohol, would be increased to 10,000.  Most contacts were by telephone when trained people would discuss behaviour change, brief interventions and signpost people to the support they needed.  People were then contacted again later to see whether there had been any change in their behaviour.  


With regard to the proportion of people who use services, and carers, who find it easy to find information about services, this information was drawn from the Annual Adult Social Care Survey which gave an indication of trends.  Over the next 12 months efforts would be made to make it easier for people to know how much they had available for care and find alternative providers.  There was a need for better coordination with GP practices so that people could be supported better at home in order to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions.  Work was also underway to better understand the support people needed in trying to access services by creating community capacity.


As people were likely to seek help from pharmacies, a member asked whether there was any liaison with them.  It was explained that Public Health had contact with pharmacies via the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).  A meeting between Public Health and Adult Social Care was planned in April and among the items being discussed would be how capacity could be used to best effect, including contact pharmacies.  Members noted that the Dorset Health and Wellbeing Board had oversight of the PNA and that Public Health commissioned some services from pharmacies.



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